Wednesday, October 9, 2013

DAY 15 Summary

the head said go...the body said no....that set the tone for the day....what I thought would a somewhat relaxing celebratory ride to the finish was the exact opposite....mainly as my body wanted no part of it and decided to shut it down a day too early....

it was cloudy, cold and headwinds....the road was fairly flat early but transitioned to big rollers after 20 miles or so....any vertical was a painful grind....I was fighting thoughts of bailing out early....I just wanted the pain to be over....and to be this close....just had to block it out and play the milage game....if you get this far then there's only this much left...just get to the next town...and so on....when it was around 20 miles to go it turned more positive and provided a boost....

I finally rolled down Main St Front Royal to a joyous reunion with my sister....a flood of emotion and great relief....being here has not totally sunk in yet....the whole trip hasn't sunk body can now begin to heal and my mind can start to process what has transpired over the last 15 days....I will provide so final thoughts in a trip summary in a day or so....

now time to eat food that is not delivery, wear real clothes and how nice it will be to get a good nights sleep....

DAY 15 miles 86. Total miles 1845.

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